Truly love your childhood doodles

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Thanks for this post, Jason. It's a mind boggling testament to how the newspaper business has been shooting themselves in the foot for the last two decades by providing less of what subscribers want (local news & entertainment like comics) in lieu of becoming ad filled rags full of bland news and crap political bias. I guess we can land a majority of this blame on the shoulders of Rupert Murdoch and other monopolists, who have led the charge on this suicidal short-sighted greed. If only newspaper and magazine publishers had learned to focus on the mindset and needs of their reader's instead of marketing drivel. Sigh.

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The newspaper delivery dude accidentally dropped a copy of the Dayton Daily News in my driveway on Sunday ... (I checked to see if my two neighbors who still get the paper got theirs... they did, so ... free paper!) I hadn’t read a paper DDN for years and was surprised that the comics was just a tab flysheet on the back of the ad pack. It felt like an afterthought of compulsory obligation rather that something we used to look forward to reading and poring over repeatedly like we used to read a cereal box.

I wonder where Mike Peters is now...

*disclaimer; I used to work at the DDN and once wore the Grimey character suit for an event when nobody else wanted to.... everyone there did at least once 😁

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Mike is doing well, and as energetic as ever. He will be attending the Reuben Awards in Jersey City this year! never a dull moment around Mike.

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The DDN is 125 yrs old and I saw his name pop up as a history timeline point... I think his first Pulitzer was 1982? I was there when we were celebrating 100 years and they had that gold furl thing on the masthead... everyone was glad to see that thing go! I didn’t see “Gerard Mclean joins DDN/NIE” in the history timeline, so I guess I didn’t make that big of a dent 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (I did win 2nd place in the NIE category in an International Newspaper Assoc, losing out to Jylland Post in DK, ironically where my in-laws live, so a minor ding maybe...) oh, where was I going before I wandered out here... just point the old man to the jell-o I hear they are serving for lunch... 😁

Oh, yeah, Mike Peters... good to know he is still doing well. I doubt very much if he remembers me, but say a hearty hello from Dayton, Ohio when you next see him! Yes, he was always a ball of energy!!

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... and then I got up to walk my dog, pitch the newspapers of my neighbors from the gutter that the delivery person dropped them in onto their porch, and realized I might be the reason why newspaper comics are going away. But then remember I used to subscribe to the print NYT, WSJ and the DDN daily... and cancelled all of that in a moment of frustration because the delivery service just could not get any of that right. Maybe they were inept or maybe they just couldn’t wrap their brains around the fact that SOMEONE was still subscribing to THREE print newspapers every day... must be a typo ... yeah... anyway, I’m probably the problem, but I don’t feel so badly about it. I do miss the daily reads, though... 😔

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I stopped my print subscriptions of the WSJ and NYT last year because it had become almost unreadable... I do however, still have digital subscriptions to the WP and NYT, because I want to support. I just wish we could read more comic art in their apps.

Ann Telnaes in the WP is brilliant.

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